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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Road Trip Fail and Plan for Success

Okay So I left Alabama to get my granddaughters in Indiana.
What I thought would be a 7 hour drive turned into 11.
I ate well on the rive up. I ate fairly well my time there.
BUT on the way home after lack of sleep for several days and driving the long trip home, I was awful! 
If it had sugar, caffeine, or carbs I ingested it! 
As we brought our darlings home and prepped for the 4th picnic (exhausted) I continued the trend through the Holiday!!! SO much for getting back on the horse 3 hours after deviating! 
So I am reaping the benefit of tight clothes and sugar crashes! 
I also did not get any hiking walking etc in this past week.
SOOO... I have decided NOT to push the repeat button and I am packing Energziing foods fopr the road trip along with fp snacks and items that I can mix and match along the way.
I plan to buy a salad mix when we arrive in Indiana and side salads when we stop to dine.

 Peanuts (s) Bai5 (fp) celery (fp) will add to LLC(fp) and Peanut butter
 banana(e0 Apple(e) tuna(fp) chicken(fp) Avocao (s) The last 3 will be added to salad and possibly put in the wrap
Wasa Crackers (fp) Rice cakes(e) Chocolate(s) bag for waters and Bai5

How do you do road trips? Leave me a comment and tell me what works for you!

Bai5 is available here (click on picture)

48 pack road trip ready Peanuts (click on picture)

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